‘Of nature, not against it’ photo competition – 2020

McNair photo competition winning entry, January 2020

Thanks to everyone who has entered our ‘Of nature, not against it’ competition in 2019. We weren’t sure if we should change the competition for 2020, but have decided that since so many of you have continued to send entries, we are running the competition again in 2020. Good luck!

Inspired by our ethos –  ‘Of nature, not against it’ – we want to see photos that are ‘Of nature’. Amazing things created by nature. It could be a stunning natural phenomena, a grand view, or something small and sublime. Anything nature-made.

To enter, post your pics on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #OfNatureNotAgainst, and tag in @mcnairshirts. Alternatively, email photos to customerservice@mcnairshirts.com.

We’ll choose our favourite photo each month throughout 2020, and the winner will receive a McNair merino hat. In December 2020 we’ll choose a winner from all the entries we’ve received throughout the year – and the prize for that will be a made to measure shirt.



January’s Winner

McNair photo competition winning entry, January 2020
Photo by Elana Mead