McNair monthly photo competition

McNair monthly photo competition

Where will your McNair shirt take you?

We love finding out where your McNair Shirt has been and seeing the shots of you and what you’re up to.

To tempt you to send us even more photos we are giving away one McNair merino hat each month during 2018, and in December we’ll be giving away one made-to-measure shirt. All you have to do is post the image on FacebookTwitter or Instagram and tag in @McNairShirts, Cato the office cat will choose one at random.

For those of you not on social media please feel free to email your pics to and we’ll enter you in the competition.

During December 2018 we’ll choose an overall winner from the previous twelve months for the shirt. Don’t try and make them National Geo standard – we’re just after you and your shirt.

Facebook: @mcnairshirts
Twitter: @McNairshirts
Instagram: @mcnairshirts