There is such a thing as a free lunch

The Handmade Bakery, Slaithwaite

With more and more people wanting to call-in and see shirts being made in our home village of Slaithwaite we’ve decided that brave souls that seek us out and buy a shirt should be treated to a free lunch. Just below McNair, overlooking the canal is the truly excellent The Handmade Bakery.

You’ll need to book your appointment beforehand and if you combine it with a walk down the canal and maybe a trip to the neighbouring Empire microbrewery, based in the mill’s old boiler room and perhaps even a bit of the Pennine Way you’re looking at a grand day out.

The offer is available from 1st to 30th September 2016. To make a booking you can either email or telephone 01484 846666. We look forward to seeing you in Slawit.

The Handmade Bakery